Modern Wrestling

Modern American Show Wrestling

Competitive Wresling dates back to at least the Original Olympic Games in Athens, Ancient Greece. Another Ancient versions of Wrestling is Sumo (Japan). Modern versions include Olympic (Greco-Roman), WWE (American), Lucha Libre (Mexico), and indeed also Mud Wrestling (England) and Jelly Wrestling (Ireland).

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WWE Wrestling (USA)

World Wrestling Entertainment is the Modern American made-for-TV version of wrestling.

Man Jumping in Wrestling Ring

Lucha Libre (Mexico)

Mexican version of WWE Wrestling

Lucha Libre Masks

Mud Wrestling

Professional Mud Wrestling started in Akron, Ohio on 7 January 1938 when Miss Leona Gordon and Miss Mildred Burke competed in the first ever fight. Professional Mud Wrestling, like World Wrestling Entertainment is more for show or spectacle with the contestants not seriously trying to harm, injure or fight each other. [References: 1]