Olympic Sports include Athletics (Track & Field), Swimming, Winter Sports, X-Games, Gymnastics, Weightlifting, Fitness and Strength. Variations on these Sports such as Sea Swimming (Liffey Swim), and Hill Running are also covered here. For other Olympic Sports such as Golf and Soccer please see the Sections dedicated to these sports in thetwo Navigation Bars.

Track & Field
Track & Field
Athletics has a long and distinguished presence in Ireland, with numerous Summer Olympics Medal winners. It is also known as Track & Field. Other disciplines include Mountain Running
National Track & Field League:
Athletics Ireland | National Track & Field League | Premier Men 2007-2009
Athletics Ireland | National Track & Field League | Final Premier Men 2014-2018
Athletics Ireland | National Track & Field League | Premier Women Final 2007-2009
Athletics Ireland | National Track & Field League | Premier Women Final 2014-2017
Athletics Ireland National Combined Events (Years): 2020
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos
[3] Athletics Ireland (2020) Mountain_Running [Internet] Available from: https://www.athleticsireland.ie/downloads/events/Mountain_Running.jpg [Accessed 15 October 2020]

Mountain Running
Irish Mountain Running Association
Irish Mountain Running Association
IMRA Irish Championship (Years): 2020
Picture Credit: [3] Athletics Ireland (2020) Mountain_Running [Internet] Available from: https://www.athleticsireland.ie/downloads/events/Mountain_Running.jpg [Accessed 15 October 2020]

Swim Ireland
Olympic Games; Irish Open Swimming Championships.
The Olympic Games is the pinnacle of an Athletes career and Irish Swimmers have been winning Medals at the Olympic Games since 1924. The Irish Open Swimming Championships are one of the highlights of the Irish Swimming Calendar.
Swim Ireland Swimming Past Olympians
Swim Ireland Swimming Past Olympians 1924-Present
Irish Open Swimming Championships:
IOSC Men 400m LC Freestyle Relay 2015-2017
IOSC Women 400m LC Freestyle Relay 2015-2017
IOSC Men 800m LC Freestyle Relay 2015-2017
IOSC Women 800m LC Freestyle Relay 2015-2016
IOSC Women 400 LC M Medley Relay 2015-2017
IOSC Men 400 LC M Medley Relay 2015-2017
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Open Sea Swimming
Leinster Open Sea.
The Dublin City Liffey Swim was first raced in 1920 and was the first of its kind in the World.
Leinster Open Sea:
Leinster Open Sea Dublin City Liffey Swim Men’s Winners 1920-Present
Leinster Open Sea Dublin City Liffey Swim Women’s Winners 1979-Present
Leinster Open Sea Dun Laoghaire Harbour Race Men’s Winners 1931-Present
Leinster Open Sea Dun Laoghaire Harbour Race Women’s Winners 1967-Present
Picture Credit: [3] Leinster Open Sea (2020) cropped-369_0330 [Internet] Available from: http://www.leinsteropensea.ie/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/cropped-369_0330.jpg [Accessed 23 November 2020]

Ski Club of Ireland
There is a small amount of Winter Sports in Ireland. Apart from the Ice Hockey & Inline Hockey Leagues and Curling there is also an artificial Ski Slope at Kilternan in Dublin, and Irish Teams have entered Ice Skating and Bobsleigh competitions abroad.
Ski Club of Ireland
SCI Giant Slalom League Race (Seasons): 2015-16
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

European Surfing Championships, Irish Surfing Association
European Surfing Championships
Ireland Hosted the first European Surfing Championships in 1972.
European Surfing Championships (Seasons): Lahinch, Ireland 1972
European Surfing Championships Juniors (Seasons): Lahinch, Ireland 1972
Irish Surfing Roll of Honour:
Irish Surfing Association Intercounties Champions 1968-Present
Irish Surfing Association Men’s Champions 1967-Present
Irish Surfing Association Women’s Champions 1981-Present
ISA Intercounty Championships (Seasons): 1968
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Gymnastics Ireland
Gymastics Ireland is the National Governing Body for the Olympic Sport in Ireland. It is a member of the Federation of International Gymnastics.
GI Womens Artistic Natonal Series Team Results (Years): 2019
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos

Cross-Fit Games
Fitness is the sport where contestants engage in a series of timed exercises, performance and tasks.
The Cross-Fit Games are the World Championships of the sport, sponsored by Reebok.
Cross-Fit Games Women (Years): 2020
Picture Credit: Pexels Free Photos
The Irish Strength Association runs Strongman and Strongwoman competitions in Ireland, as well as sending representatives to the Ultimate Strength World Championships and other Strength Competitions Worldwide.

Ultimate Strength
Irish Strength Association
World Ultimate Strength Tour
Ultimate Strength Uzbekistan Event (Years): 2017
Picture Credit: [3] Irish Strength Association (2017) 23828876_10213984711348883_1980036981_o-624×416 [Internet] Available from: https://web.archive.org/web/20190928083056im_/http://irishstrongman.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/23828876_10213984711348883_1980036981_o-624×416.jpg [Accessed 15 October 2020]