World Combat Sports include Ancient, Medieval and Traditional Sports such as Sumo (Japan Wrestling), Kickboxing (Thailand), and Medieval Armoured Combat (Europe).
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World Combat Sports
Sumo (Japan)
Sumo World Championships
John Gunning was the first Irishman to compete in the Sumo World Championships for Ireland.
Irish International Sumo Wrestlers
John Gunning Irish Sumo Wrestler
Sumo Reference
I have it on the authority of John Gunning that this Referece website is one of the best ever. The German who compiled it went through over 100 years of Japanese Newspapers. It cnntains the results of every Japanese Sumo bout ever recorded back to early 1900s or before.
Sumo Reference:
Medieval Armoured Combat
Medieval Armoured Combat Ireland
MACI Claregalway Castle Group Fights (Internationals)(Years):2017