[1] Middle East GAA (2019) trans_logo-300×274 [Internet] Available from: https://middleeastgaa.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/trans_logo-300×274.png [Accessed 17 August 2020]
Middle East GAA Men’s Gaelic Football Rolls of Honour:
Middle East GAA Men’s Senior Gaelic Football Middle East League Roll of Honour 2010-Present
Middle East GAA Men’s Intermediate Gaelic Football Middle East League Roll of Honour 2013-Present
Middle East GAA Ladies Gaelic Football Rolls of Honour:
Middle East GAA Ladies Senior Gaelic Football Middle East League Roll of Honour 2011-Present
Middle East GAA Ladies Intermediate Gaelic Football Middle East League Roll of Honour 2013-Present
Middle East GAA Hurling Rolls of Honour:
Middle East GAA Senior Hurling Super 11s League Roll of Honour 2013-Present
Middle East GAA Camogie Rolls of Honour:
Middle East GAA Senior Camogie Middle East League Roll of Honour 2015-Present