The Eirball website is intended to be an archive of Irish, North American, & World Sports Results & Tables. It was originally intended to be just the North American Sports, but has grown to include all ball sports played in Ireland as well as the Irish Abroad. It is the College Project of Enda Mulcahy, who has lived, studied and worked almost all his life in Dublin, Ireland.
About the Author
Enda Mulcahy is the Webmaster for Baseball Ireland.
Enda Mulcahy is currently undertaking a Computer Masters Part-Time at the Irish Academy of Computer Training in Dublin. He has been involved with American Sports most of his life having played Basketball at a Cospoir National Mini-Sport Festival in 1985 where he represented his school at numerous sports, Flag Football with the South West Jets in the 1990s and then doing statistics and Line Judge for the American Football Association of Ireland. Enda was on the sideline crew for the NFL game in Dublin in 1997, and more recently has been attending Baseball games in Dublin, as well as playing and doing the statistics for Marlay Mustangs Softball Team. He has a BA in World Development from the Kimmage Development Studies Centre and is currently caring for his parents. Enda has also researched, compiled and written the Irish North American and World Sports Archive as part of his College Project
He has played most of the sports on this website at least twice, or has had friends and family members who have been lifelong sports people involved in numerous different sports.
Other Activities
He has a BA in World Development from the Development Studies Centre @ The Holy Ghost College, Kimmage and has worked in Restaurants, Retail, Computers, Community Development and am currently caring for my elderly parents.
Outside of Sport his main interests would be listening to music and reading.

Photo Credits
Header Image
[1] Marlay Softball Facebook Page (2017) Photo September 9 2017 [Internet] Available from: [Accessed 20 October 2017]
[2] Self-Portrait of Author [Taken with an I-Phone 4 May 2021]