Oceanian Sports

Australian Sports played in Ireland include Polocrosse, first played in Australia. Polocrosse is similar to Polo except the players use a Lacrosse stick rather than a Mallet. Marn Grook is the Australian Aboriginal Sport which may have been the inspiration for Australian Football, or at least the ‘Mark’ in Australian Football.

Irish Polocrosse Association Clubs Map

Marn Grook

Australian Aboriginal: Marn Grook Marn Grook (Australian Aboriginal Football)


International Polocrosse Council Polocrosse World Cup (Seasons): 2003

Polocrosse is a version of Lacrosse played on Horseback. It was invented in Northern Australia in the 1970s and the first World Cup was played in 2003.

International Polocrosse Council

IPC Polocrosse World Cup (Editions): 2003 2019

Irish Polocrosse Association

IPA National Finals (Results): 2017

IPA A Grade Tournaments (Results): 2017

Picture Credit: [3] Polocrosse Ireland (2020) map-of-clubs_orig [Internet] Available from: http://www.polocrosseireland.com/uploads/6/7/8/6/67865291/map-of-clubs_orig.jpg [Accessed 27 October 2020]

Road Tennis

Professional Road Tennis Association

Road Tennis is the traditional sport of Barbados, and is played, like tennis, with a racquet on a court, except in Barbados, the court is the road and the racquet is wooden. the net is also wooden, and 8 inches high. The ball is bald.

Professional Road Tennis Association (Seasons): 2018

Picture Credit: [6] Professional Road Tennis Association Facebook (2013) Photo, July 20, 2019 [Internet] Available from: https://scontent-dub4-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/67299405_2448575031890094_7826998067785105408_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_sid=a26aad&_nc_ohc=HvOYMnJZr6AAX-pqdPZ&_nc_oc=AQkEzEfKw-o9IDFK4cDUbdbC0x6ChpKjFJDhhS-oWw7Sb2ao6SfqBK4Xaev7K08XTWDdT4XF74vpjeXIhzTIaynY&_nc_ht=scontent-dub4-1.xx&oh=114dade324f224e9680df28292edad38&oe=5F90BBDB [Accessed 23 September 2020]